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As the temperatures rise, there’s nothing quite like retreating to a summer house. But when it comes to keeping it cool in this shifting season, that’s where the tricky part comes in. The last thing you want is for your beloved retreat to feel like a sauna. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a few ‘smart choices’ to keep it refreshingly cool and beat the heat!
Assess and Optimise for Temperature Regulation

Begin by analysing the orientation of your summer house in relation to the sun’s path. Understand how the sun’s movement affects your garden room during the day. Observe which parts are exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods. Note the areas that receive the most sunlight and heat. Those can become hotspots and may require targeted cooling solutions.
What are some effective solutions I can try?
Summerhouse insulation is an effective means of regulating internal temperature. In warmer months, it stops the transfer of external heat into the interior space. This, in turn, maintains a cooler environment inside the summer house.
Consider sealing gaps around doors and windows with weatherstripping to keep drafts out. Lay down rugs or carpets on bare floors to keep your feet warm. Also, make sure you have the right ‘sizing’ for the air gap between wall and insulation material. These simple steps can amp up the comfort level and keep your summerhouse cool.
Another method worth considering is ventilation. You don’t need anything fancy for this; simply opening the windows and doors will do the trick. By doing so, you can cool down the summerhouse by letting hot air escape and bringing in cooler air from outside.
Shade and Blocking Techniques
There are two ways to enhance shade, block sunlight and keep your summerhouse cool. Let’s start with exterior solutions. It’s never too late to plant trees or tall shrubs and enjoy that natural shade. Deciduous trees, especially, are handy in summer when they’re in full foliage. At the same time, they allow sunlight during winter when they shed their leaves.
Installing retractable awnings, canopies, or octagonal pergolas can create shaded spaces. Choose materials and designs that complement your summerhouse’s aesthetic. For instance, a pergola over your summerhouse patio. With its open roof design, it blocks direct sunlight while allowing a bit of it to filter through. This creates a pleasant dappled shade, which can be a perfect spot for relaxation.
Next, interior solutions. Install blinds, curtains, or shades on windows and doors to regulate sunlight in the unit.
Opt for light-coloured or reflective materials to minimise heat absorption. White or pale tones, for instance, have a higher albedo. This means they reflect more sunlight away from the surface rather than absorbing it. Or invest in blinds with a metallic or mirrored coating that bounces sunlight away. These techniques can help keep your summerhouse cool while adding a stylish touch.
Smart Landscaping for Temperature Control

Smart landscaping uses strategic plant placement to naturally control temperatures. One effective way to do this is to add mulch around plants to keep the soil cool and moist. Using light-coloured rocks or paving instead of dark ones can also reflect heat away.
Are heat-tolerant plants effective?
Yes, heat-tolerant plants can help maintain a cooler environment around your summer house. They can withstand hot temperatures without withering. Think succulents, cacti, lavender, rosemary, and ornamental grasses. These plants are not only resilient to heat but also add beauty and texture to the landscape.
Tips: Watering is key to keeping these plants happy. Give them a good soak to encourage their roots to grow deep and make them more resilient to heat stress. Install drip irrigation systems to minimise water loss from evaporation.
Can green walls or trellises block sunlight effectively?
Absolutely! Greenwalls or trellises offer effective garden shade and contribute to cooling the area. These structures are typically covered with climbers, which act as natural sun blockers. As the plants grow and spread, they form a dense canopy that filters sunlight. This shading effect minimises heat absorption and keeps the surrounding area cooler.
Tips: Plant vines, such as jasmine or bougainvillaea, for optimal results. When building green walls or trellises, use wood, metal, or wire mesh. Ensure the trellises block direct sunlight from entering your summerhouse.
With these tips, you can stay cool and enjoy your retreat even during the hottest summer days. Remember to optimise temperature regulation and consider shader and smart landscaping.
If you have any further questions, contact us and don’t hesitate to give us a call at 01909 768840. Next on your reading list: How to Clean Your Summer House Ready for Summer